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Sales agent additional trainings

These resources are specifically tailored to help you with your Medicare Advantage sales. To enhance your learning experience, each training item is categorized and subcategorized, so you can easily locate material that aligns with your specific area of interest.

All things Part B Giveback, Premium, IRMAA and LEP

This training document is meticulously crafted to guide agents in mastering the nuances of Part B giveback plans, or plans with a premium. It additionally delves into the intricacies of comprehending potential late enrollment penalties and income-related monthly adjustments (IRMAA).

Enrollment Presentation Requirements

This document provides essential reminders on key topics to address during an enrollment presentation. It ensures you effectively guide consumers in making well-informed decisions, covering all aspects including plan costs, type, network, and processes for cancellation or disenrollment.

Prescription Review

This concise training guide equips agents with the knowledge to accurately explain prescription copays, deductibles, tier levels, coverage gaps, and formulary reviews.

Provider Networks and Referrals

This document contains focused training materials for agents on plan networks, provider participation, implications of network changes, provider assignment, and referral processes.

Completing an Enrollment Application

This training guide concentrates on accurately completing enrollment applications, minimizing errors, ensuring proper authorization, understanding submission requirements, and preventing information falsification.

Sales Agent Solicitation and Sales Practices

As a Medicare Advantage Sales representative, it's crucial to be well-versed in the rules governing solicitation and sales tactics. This guide provides key insights into important solicitation regulations and outlines inappropriate sales strategies to avoid.

Dental Training

Misrepresentation or inadequate explanation of dental benefits in a Medicare Advantage plan can result in dissatisfied customers. This guide highlights essential rules to communicate about dental benefits when discussing such plans with clients.

Food and Home Card Benefits and OTC Benefits

Properly clarifying supplemental benefits in Medicare Advantage plans is crucial, as they can be confusing for consumers. Ensuring accurate explanations of these benefits, their workings, and addressing related questions is vital in the sales process, to guarantee clients are well-informed about what their plan includes.


Effectively explaining non-emergency transportation, a potential benefit of interest to some consumers, is crucial. This includes whether it's covered in the plan you're discussing, and if so, how it should be utilized. This guide offers detailed insights into transportation specifics with Devoted Health.

Medicare Advantage Election Periods

Understanding the specific enrollment periods for Medicare Advantage plans, and who is eligible for them, is a critical aspect of your role as a sales agent. This guide serves as a handy reference to remind you of these various enrollment/election periods and their mechanics.

Understanding Veteran Coverage and Medicare Advantage Plans

When assisting veterans, it's essential to comprehend how their health coverage intersects with Medicare Advantage plans. This guide offers insights into various health plans veterans may have and how they integrate with Medicare Advantage plans.